Ugh!!! its been forever! I just finished up my last show of the year and it was a not a good season. I can definitely see the drop in the economy in my own sales. In April it was business as usual, Summer was OK down a little but not bad, September was even slower but I did some bigger shows so I felt fine about it...now, at the end of the year, I have more inventory than Ive ever had (ever) in my studio. So I'm sitting here thinking the other day, what now, what am I going to do with all this stuff! I have friends who own a bead store and they have had the best few months in over a year and they are running out of inventory, ordering like mad to keep the store stocked. We were talking about other things, and they had just unpacked this box full of beautiful Venetian glass beads, Really expensive beads.... we were talking about the beads and then one of the girls said, ' these trunk shows are really cool, we get them for two weeks, sell what we can, write a check for what we sell and send them back'... I just stood there kind of shocked, why didn't I do that with my beads!!!!
That was Wednesday, by Thursday I have a contract written, by Friday I had a cover letter and mailing list ready for 20 bead stores in California. Today is Sunday and I have trays, 2o sets of beads, and I'm on my way to shipping out my first Trunk Show in a Box!!! It will contain 48 sets of beads, priced, trays for display and sample jewelry to show. And, of course, its going to my friends Stephanie and Penny at Bead Artistry in Fresno...thanks guys!!!
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