Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two more sets uploaded to my etsy store This pumpkin spice set and a wedding set.

I'm so overwhelmed by the little things today... Ive tried to simplify and organize, manage my time, but when I get thrown a curve ball I still freak! The cost of having a creative brain is that you think about everything all the time, while I'm drawing I think about blogging, while I'm blogging I think about cleaning up the computer and organizing my desk, while I'm cleaning I think about the half finished projects that need to get done and shipped, the beads I need to make, the kids I need to tutor.... the list is snowballing today! I need to sit down, write a list and prioritize it... figure out how long its going to take to complete it, throw in the time I need to pick up J from school, help with homework, make dinner... etc Ugh the snow ball is twice the size now!

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