I've been working diligently on my store website, loading jewelry, digital paper kits, prints. But still not selling much. I want to think its getting a little better and more professional every time I update it. Ive also began selling a few items on Ebay, 8 items at a time and Ive been doing steady buisness for the last two weeks. Im trying to rotate my 16 kits so that my line up changes weekly, with the very newest going straight to ebay and then my two selling sites Daisie and kpmart with links to both. Its an interesting process, what to sell, how many to list, what fees are being charged....what works and what doesnt... As it stands right now, Ive been selling the lower priced items only, and getting charged alot 15-30% by paypal and about 10% by ebay. It seems that when I sell an item for 1.00 paypal charges a minimum of .34 so Im ony making .42 on the 1.00 items, by the time I figure in the listing fee of .14 each and the selling fee of .10 each!!!

Yesterday I spent a full day on an art call for a gift bag manufacturer...framing, adding backgrounds, getting things in the right size and format for the art director. I ended the day with 32 designs, in 9 categories.... Now I need to load them onto my Illustration site for other directors to see.... maybe you will see these in Target some day!