Wow, I havent been able to get here for a month to blog. Ive been super busy and have bairly responded to emails etc. I finished the costume work for Beauty and the Beast and the show is in its second week. Everything is holding up, no major problems yet. I have 3 illustration jobs going at once... all holiday themed! I have been making beads like CRAZY to keep up with the holiday crunch and done NO shopping for my own list! I am on my way to Chicago this morning for a meeting...I hope I can get out and go shopping there. Im going to try to do some work for my portfolio at night... I packed my watercolors.
My next big project is getting my booth printed for my next trade show. I decided to print an image the size of the 8x10 wall. I will be tiling it with 12x18 pieces of paper. Here is a photo of the model I made. I hope to take this to two shows, CHA in February

and Licensing in June. The banners on the right are 13" wide with my signature on the bottom and some images on the top. the back wall is my marketing post card image. Gotta go!